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Certification15 Our Rating

If someone called you a 'Googlewhack' what would you do? You might reasonably ask them what it meant but you wouldn't probably end up playing table tennis with a 9-year-old boy in a Boston basement. You probably wouldn't wind up in Los Angeles with three snakes on your head either. It is highly unlikely that you'd end up in a car with a gun toting dot-com millionaire en-route to Mexico to buy coke (cola) and drugs (prescription). But then you're not Dave Gorman are you? A bizarre and hilarious a find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

An opportunity to see the star and creator of "Phoenix Nights" do a bit of stand up. Perceptive observational comedy without the slightly surreal ' I'm bloody clever me' aspect. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Whoopi Goldberg is like a hip, Afro-American Joyce Grenfell. Her monologues are masterpieces of characterisation and acute observation - always funny and moving.

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