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Certification15 Our Rating

Set in Orange County, California, in an age where America has lost its ‘war on drugs', a reluctant undercover cop is ordered to start spying on his friends, the consequence of which is a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode and even your own motives become unclear. Scanner Darkly is a cautionary tale of drug use based on the novel by Philip K Dick and born of his own experiences. Like a graphic novel come to life, the film uses live action pho find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Hiro is a something of a tech kid prodigy but, having just showcased the merits of micro bots, finds someone else has decided to use them for evil. With the help of an unlikely big white health robot called Baymax and a bunch of enjoyably quirky sidekicks, Hiro takes on the forces of evil in an effort to save the day. A fun film with some good gags, great robots and swell animation.

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