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GOJOE (2000)

Certification15 Our Rating

Benkei, a master fighter and killer, vows never to take another life after his conversion to a syncretic form of Buddhism, but he lives in the time of the Genji-Heike clan wars and it becomes his fate to clash with a trio of fighters known only as "the demons". Taking up his sword once more, he sets out to end their murderous terror. This mix of sword and sorcery and samurai traditions is visibly resplendent and musically resonant, and lots of swords clash and blood squirts, not bad really. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A group of immortal warriors locked in combat through the ages. Only one will survive and he will win a prize of power beyond comprehension. Good battles against evil in the ultimate conflict. Stylish, action-packed, imaginative, intelligent and moderately silly. An above average actioner and utterly preposterous fun! find out more...

CertificationU Our Rating



Scrat’s pursuit of the nirvana acorn causes yet another continental cataclysm which plunges our three bestest buddies into yet another perilo find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Frodo and Sam make their last push towards Mount Doom where they must destroy the ring and bring about the end of Sauron's spreading darkness. Aragorn finally acknowledges his role as the peoples King and Gandalf gets a lot of repressed anger off his chest in the many battles against the dark lord's minions. The final instalment of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy sets new heights for the term ‘epic'; visually the film is breathtaking and against the odds Jackson manages to keep the varying t find out more...