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RING (1998)

Certification15 Our Rating

A group of teenagers watch a mysterious videotape and within a week all are dead, their lifeless faces frozen in complete terror. Enter deeply cynical journalist Reiko, unable to resist the now legendary myth, and finding herself drawn into a world of unimaginable horror and fear. Ring is a genuinely frightening movie, no post 'Scream' irony, no knowing sideswipes at the genre, just a chew your nails to the bone slice of terror. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

A young boy lives in a small floating temple on a beautiful lake, together with an elderly master who teaches him the ways of the Buddha. Years later the boy, now a young man, experiences his sexual awakening with a girl who has come to the temple to be healed by the master. Returning from a disastrous trip to the outside world the young monk must pay penance and, in the last of four vignettes, he returns to the lake temple to find spiritual enlightenment. find out more...
THE BOW (2005)

Certification15 Our Rating

An old man and a beautiful young girl live on a boat, which they never leave. Groups of men come out to fish, have their fortune told, in an extraordinary manner involving the bow of the title, and mutter about the pair's relationship. This is an art movie, beautifully made and very surreal. find out more...
THE EYE (2002)

Certification15 Our Rating

Mun has been without sight since she was a young child so, when the opportunity for a transplant that will restore her vision arises, she leaps at the chance. At first the surgery appears to have been a success, but it soon becomes horrifyingly clear that all is not as it seems, particularly when she becomes aware that the image of herself that she now sees is not her at all. Mun becomes obsessed with the need to find out whose eyes it is she now sees with, but the truth is a horror beyond her m find out more...