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CertificationU Our Rating

Like wow, lets drop some acid (older members may remember what that was) and watch the pyschedelic sequence. To boldly go were no man has..... whoops wrong movie. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A stunning visual account of man's struggle for survival in the 21st Century, a time when replicant life forms are beginning to surpass humans not just in intelligence but emotions, raising questions about our concepts of self. A post-modern sci-fi classic, THE great Hollywood movie of the '80s, the last great pre-computer film done with smoke-and-mirrors SFX and the definitive cult arthouse Sci-Fi film. This is the second version re-edited by Ridley Scott; all the good bits remain, with the onl find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Based on Philip K Dick's "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" this is a stunning visual account of man's struggle for survival in the 21st Century, a time when robot life forms are beginning to surpass humans in not just intelligence but emotions, raising questions about our concepts of self. This is Ridley Scott's final version of this post-modern sci-fi classic; all the good bits remain, with the only differences being the lack of narration, the downbeat ending, and the blink-and-miss-it dre find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

A stunning visual account of man's struggle for survival in the 21st Century, a time when replicant life forms are beginning to surpass humans not just in intelligence but emotions, raising questions about our concepts of self. A post-modern sci-fi classic, THE great Hollywood movie of the '80s, the last great pre-computer film done with smoke-and-mirrors SFX and the definitive cult arthouse Sci-Fi film. This is the originally released version with no unicorns in a dream, a voiceover to keep y find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

When Joel meets Clementine he feels alive for the first time in his life, she is everything he has so successfully repressed in himself; vivacious, impulsive and game for anything. Two years down the line and Joel finds himself alone again, and worse still he finds Clementine has wiped him from her memory. Lost and angry Joel decides to do the same, but as he enters into the process, the memories flashing across his subconscious revitalise what he thought had gone…, and so begins a desper find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

A genuine classic of cinema. One of the first sci-fi films ever made and still one of the most fascinating. Echoes of Lang's vision can be seen in almost every apocalyptic sci-fi film made since, especially the struggle of man to overcome the impersonality of machines. Superior to the colour remake, though the new soundtrack falls short of the mark. Turn the sound down and watch it like they did on its first release!

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Certification12 Our Rating

JJ Abrams reinvents Star Trek and the cast, going back in time to before Captain Kirk run a ship when he was a young, brash, arrogant, opinionated genius. The designs are immaculate, the characters engaging and this hugely budgeted sci-fi action adventure is high in entertainment - a renegade Romulan from the future wreaking revenge on the Federation with the use of a black hole! A must watch. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

This time Arnie has been reprogrammed to protect the young John Connor from the new, improved and extra deadly Terminator model - the T1000. This sequel cost an obscene amount of money to make - and it is worth every penny! State of the art special effects, non-stop action and a plot that works. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

An awesome action film that some people rate as the best movie ever made! It's not, but in terms of visual impact and sheer technical wizardry it's hard to beat. It's the near future and nerdy computer hacker Neo (Reeves) is about to discover an alternative reality via a meeting with mysterious rebel warrior Morpheus (Larry Fishburne). Neo learns that life on earth is merely an elaborate farce, a complex computer simulation called The Matrix, and mankind is simply lunch - a source of power for t find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

David Fincher seemed an odd choice when it was announced a film was to be made charting the early years of Mark Zuckerberg's creation of Facebook. Who could have predicted that partnered with writing ace Aaron Sorkin they could create a modern masterpiece of drama? 'The Social Network' is just that; compelling, relevant, insightful and hugely entertaining. Eisenberg's performance is a marvel in itself, creating a repulsive sociopath who is simultaneously hugely sympathetic, while the Winklevoss find out more...