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Certification12 Our Rating

The 1980s; an innocent young South African is arrested and, along with his family, tortured. Angered by these events he becomes what he was falsely accused of, an ANC terrorist/freedom fighter. Based on a true story, Catch A Fire is a searing, adrenalin-drenched, dramatic thriller. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Martin McGartland was an unemployed Republican fence, a petty crime that led to the IRA kneecapping of his partner. Picked up by the police he soon found himself operating as both an informer for his Special Branch handler, Fergus, with whom he developed a close relationship, and at tremendous risk, infiltrating and moving up within the ranks of the Provos while routinely betraying their activities; the title coming from the 50 murders that it is believed Martin directly prevented. 'Fifty Dead M find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

1988; Bobby Green is making his way in the Brooklyn club scene, he runs a chic joint, and, as long as he keeps his nose clean, may be in with a slice of one of the biggest crime syndicates in New York's history. Bobby's estranged family, however, do not share his ambitions; his dad and brother are cops and when they start to close in on Bobby's potential partners he is placed in an uncomfortable moral dilemma. "We Own The Night" is a slick and atmospheric dramatic thriller; generic and clichéd o find out more...