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Certification15 Our Rating

Chronicles the life and times of Nucky Thompson, the undisputed ruler of Atlantic City, who was equal parts politician and gangster.
High production values and a fine ensemble cast: HBO knows how to do TV.

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Certification15 Our Rating

Chronicles the life and times of Nucky Thompson, the undisputed ruler of Atlantic City, who was equal parts politician and gangster.
High production values and a fine ensemble cast: HBO knows how to do TV.

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Certification15 Our Rating

4.16 - 'Who Are You?'; Buffy battles to escape the Watcher's Council's plans to send her to England and Faith continues to wreak havoc amongst the lives of Buffy's family and friends. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Taking care of the family pet is a big responsibility, especially when it belongs to THE family. find out more...