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Certification15 Our Rating

Talented young sketch artist Jerome Platz escapes from high school to a tiny East Coast art college. Here his ambition is to become, like his hero Picasso, the world's greatest artist. Unfortunately the beauty and craft of Jerome's portraiture are not appreciated in an art class that he finds bewildering and bogus, neither his harsh judgments of his classmates' efforts nor his later attempts to create pseudo-art of his own win him any admirers, though he does attract the attentions of his dream find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Adam is that no-holds barred, quintessential stereotype of the cinematic nerd, Evelyn is his opposite in every sense, so when the two start dating and Adam begins to transform from dud to dude his friends are not surprisingly intrigued. As you would expect from the man behind ‘Nurse Betty' and ‘In the Company of Men', 'The Shape of Things' has a dark core to its outwardly fun and fluffy heart. Entertaining, but it lacks the quirky genius that marks out some of Labute's previous work. find out more...