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Certification18 Our Rating

Hicks's acerbic and caustic sense of humour spares no blushes. Everything from religion to anti-smoking campaigners gets the treatment. Hicks's talent is to make you feel as if everything is your fault, and you ought to pay for it! Very OTT and always well observed. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Dave Chappelle had a dream, and with his infectious easy charm it was never unlikely he'd make it a reality. Michel Gondry's documentary follows the comedian on his travels through the heartlands of America to throw the ultimate Brooklyn block party. A life affirming and good natured journey punctuated by performances from some of Hip Hop and R&B's royalty; amongst them Kane West, Jill Scott, Erykah Badu, The Roots, Cody Chestnutt and the Fugees. Good times. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

After hearing comedian Frankie Boyle say that all comedian over 40 should quit because they're not angry enough any more, 42-year-old Stewart Lee ponders youth, piracy, pears and the hatefulness of the Top Gear presenters. Superlative comedy from a man of acute intelligence, humane sensibilities and eloquent as you like. And not sweary neither! Highly recommended post-structuralist entertainment. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Comedian Doug Benson explores the current situation with medical marijuana in the United States, focusing on the conflict between federal and state law and the explosive growth in medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles over the past two years. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Whoopi Goldberg is like a hip, Afro-American Joyce Grenfell. Her monologues are masterpieces of characterisation and acute observation - always funny and moving.

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Certification15 Our Rating

Iconic writer, director, actor, comedian, and musician Woody Allen allowed his life and creative process to be documented on-camera for the first time. With this unprecedented access, Emmy-winning, Oscar-nominated filmmaker Robert Weide followed the notoriously private film legend over a year and a half to create the ultimate film biography. Woody Allen: A Documentary chronicles Allen's career - from teen writer to Sid Caeser's TV scribe, from standup comedian to award-winning writer-director find out more...