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Certification18 Our Rating

Hicks's acerbic and caustic sense of humour spares no blushes. Everything from religion to anti-smoking campaigners gets the treatment. Hicks's talent is to make you feel as if everything is your fault, and you ought to pay for it! Very OTT and always well observed. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

The late, great Bill Hicks, tragically taken from us early in '94, live on stage at the Dominion Theatre in London. In this, his last performance, the outrageous comic plays to a sell-out audience and is as always, refreshingly irreverent, controversial and thought-provoking. Included in this tribute are clips of interviews with David Letterman and Jay Leno, brief interviews with comedians, including Sean Hughes and Eddie Izzard, anecdotal contributions from old school friends and his parents. T find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Lots of famous comedians (almost 100) show off their skills by telling a story, but all with the same punchline. Not just "an" in-joke this is "the" in-joke, a basic structure upon which to hang the filthiest, ugliest, nastiest and most determinedly offensive comedic skits that the depraved imaginings of the stand up circuit can muster. 'The Aristocrats' is a joyous showcase of the darkest improvisation, run with it, if your sensibilities can stand the abuse. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Whoopi Goldberg is like a hip, Afro-American Joyce Grenfell. Her monologues are masterpieces of characterisation and acute observation - always funny and moving.

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