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Certification12 Our Rating

Seminal vampire film, the first to be based upon the Bram Stoker tale. An estate agent's clerk from Bremen embarks on a journey to Orlock's castle, where a client of his resides. On arrival, the full horror of the inhabitants confront him. Wonderful imagery and direction. Imitated but never equalled. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

A brilliant horror film with Mia Farrow as the mother, pregnant for the first time, living in an ageing New York apartment block and surrounded by a weird bunch of neighbours. Mostly alone and increasingly paranoid she becomes convinced they form a witch's coven with designs on her baby. Superb.

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CertificationU Our Rating

We're off to see the wizard - the wonderful wizard of Oz - no not Shane Warne but the theme song from this magical musical. Little Dorothy gets whipped away from the horrors of pre-war rural Kansas along the "Yellow Brick Road" with a gutless lion, a heartless robot and a scarecrow - brilliant. Oh, and look out for the hanging munchkin! find out more...