• Film ID:
  • 10070
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=92 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
THE 51ST STATE (2001)
American McElroy comes to Britain to off load a formula for the ultimate designer drug, but his attempts to set up a deal don't go quite to plan and before long he's legging it around Liverpool with dodgy small-time gangster Felix as his tour guide. 51st State is a gangster, action comedy with Jackson running through his predictable but enjoyable cooler than a Swedish winter routine, other than that though this is a whee stinker, poorly scripted, cliché ridden and with characterisation that gives new emphasise to the word ‘slim'…..it is pacey though.
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