• Film ID:
  • 10966
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=132 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
HULK (2003)
Where 'The Hulk' differs from recent comic book adaptations such as Spiderman, Batman and the awful Daredevil, is that there is no crime fighting ethic. The creature of the title is a genetic mutation unleashed and driven by anger and rage. What's more the genetic mutation was partly created by a fruitcake professor (Nolte) whose penchant for self-experimentation ensures his son Bruce (Bana) inherits a @*$*@%-up gene pool. For these reasons alone The Hulk has a darker and more sinister tone than its predecessors. The action takes a while coming, Ang Lee revealing his art-house credentials and interest in characterisation by choosing to establish the human aspects of the story before unleashing the monster. Once this happens it is only the love of a lady scientist, played by Connolly, who seems able to quell the savage beast lurking somewhere inside of Bruce Banner. Lee's vision of the ultimate perturbed anti-hero should appeal to viewers with a darker art-house sensibility as well as those with a thirst for action-adventure. Definitely not a film for fans of the US military – they get arse whooped!
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