• Film ID:
  • 8631
  • Availability:
  • VHS - Adv. Booking Required
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • VHS=85 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
FRIENDS SERIES 5 EPS 17-20 (1999)
After a mediocre first half of Series 5, Friends gets back on top form with the latest episodes. In 'The One With Rachels Inadvertant Kiss', Monica and Chandler are going through a relationship crisis and Rachel's flirting gets her into deep water. In the second episode on this tape Ross goes in for a soup commercial with son Ben which gets Joey on the defensive. Rachel finds the key to success at work is smoking. The final two episodes have Ross proving he makes a lousy flirt and Joey back on daytime television after his premature death on 'Days of our Lives'.
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