• Film ID:
  • 11222
  • Availability:
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • Nationality(ies):
  • America.
  • Primary Language(s):
In 'Potential', Dawn discovers that she is just that: a future Buffy in the making. Meanwhile, Buffy continues to train the other potentials by taking them to Willie's Bar and an occupied crypt. 'The Killer In Me': Ooh, this is one of those horrible psychological episodes. Willow turns into Warren after kissing one of the potentials, as her grief and guilt about Tara manifests itself in physical form. And Amy's back, but does she know more about the situation than she's letting on? In Buffy's basement, Spike's modification chip starts to malfunction, and Buffy must make an important decision. Buffy agrees to go out with the enigmatic Principal Wood in 'First Date', and he reveals his true identity to her over the customarily romantic French onion soup, snails etc. At another romantic destination across town, Xander gets to go on a date with US r'n'b princess Ashanti, but just what sort of girl is she? (And for that matter, what the hell were the casting directors thinking?)In 'Get It Done', Buffy is given the option of becoming even more of a superhero than she already is by some ancient tribesmen, but will she accept their offer if it means becoming less than human into the bargain? (she already went through that in season 6, remember?)
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