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Certification15 Our Rating

Episode 14: Title: “Interpretive Dance”
Episode 15 Title: “Romantic Expressionism”
Episode 16 Title: “Communication Studies”
Episode 17 Title: “Physical Education”
Episode 18 Title: “Basic Genealogy”
Episode 19 Title: “Beginner Pottery”

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HOW HIGH (2001)

Certification15 Our Rating

Two buddies smoke some "magic" weed and get themselves accepted at Harvard, which roles you into the old social/culture clash gigglethon. How High pretty much obligates you to be drifting high above your hubbly bubbly to squeeze out the laughs, think poor cousin of ‘Friday' and presuming you're well stocked this might just work. NB in 2002 the movie won the 'Stony Award' for the Best Stoner Movie! find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Josh's best buddy is also his childhood sweetheart, and as they depart for their different colleges they vow that nothing will come between them, but unfortunately for Josh he has sex with a fellow student and then manages to get the video evidence mailed to said love of his life. 'Road Trip' folows our hero and his buddies on a desperate 1,800 mile journey to beat the postman. Daft? Yes. Familiar? Yup... but it's genuinely funny and has a good heart, so head and shoulders above most of the comp find out more...