Jakob, a young man who enters a school, run by brother and sister Herr and Lisa Benjamenta, which trains servants. The teachers emphasize to the students that they are unimportant people. Jakob finds the school to be an oppressive environment, and does not enjoy the lessons in subservience that he receives. He proceeds to challenge the Benjamentas and attempts to shift the find out more...
Lucy Fife Donaldson says: "The film of the TV show that made Johnny Depp’s name and he spent the rest of his career getting away from. ChanningTatum and Jonah Hill star as former high school opposites and new recruits inthe police force tasked with going back to high school as undercover narcoticsagents. Hill and Tatum (proving he can be buff AND funny) make a good pairingin what turns out to be a well-judged and frequently funny film that has itstongue firmly in its cheek. It also find out more...
When some aliens, who travel from planet to planet to see what kind of species inhabit them, come to Earth. And if they are, according to their standards, decent, they are welcomed to be their friend. And if not the planet is destroyed. To find out they choose one inhabitant and give that person the power to do whatever he/she wants. And they choose Neil Clarke, a teacher find out more...