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CertificationPG Our Rating

Hiro is a something of a tech kid prodigy but, having just showcased the merits of micro bots, finds someone else has decided to use them for evil. With the help of an unlikely big white health robot called Baymax and a bunch of enjoyably quirky sidekicks, Hiro takes on the forces of evil in an effort to save the day. A fun film with some good gags, great robots and swell animation.

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HAXAN (1922)

Certification15 Our Rating

A disturbing Danish film, reanacting witchcraft trials from the 15th and 16th on till the early 20th Century. Mixing scenes of reanactment, animation and illustrated slideshows to depict events of alleged real-life events and possessions, we are shown images of extreme cruelty which smack of the experimental edges of medical research. This must have been tantamount to the work of the devil when it first came out. Sick-minds they had back in 1922! The DVD has a choice of soundtracks, the best of find out more...