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Certification12 Our Rating

John Nash is a brilliant, though socially awkward, mathematician and with his latest work he has achieved the acclaim that he so needed, but John is also prone to delusional behaviour, and when a mysterious stranger asks him for his help to thwart a conspiracy against the Stars and Stripes, John becomes increasingly obsessive, a state of mind that begins to push away all those he holds dear, even his loving wife. Very loosely adapted from a true story "Beautiful Mind" is the bog standard slickly find out more...

CertificationU Our Rating

Winner of four Oscars including Best Film and Best Actress. Jessica Tandy stars as Miss Daisy, the cantankerous Jewish widow who very unwillingly has to hire a black chauffeur. Over the years these two very different people have to learn to live together. Both humourous and touching. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

The best "buddy" movie ever made. Voight plays the naive rhinestone studded small-town boy who dreams of becoming a big-city gigolo, Hoffman is the frail, sickly hobo he takes under his wing. Stunning performances from both make this an outstandingly powerful and touching film. Very stylish. Won Best Picture at 1969 Academy Awards. find out more...
PLATOON (1986)

Certification15 Our Rating

Oliver Stone's autobiographical account of life at the front in Vietnam deservedly swept the Oscars. It is particularly strong in portraying the tensions within the army social group between the brutal all-American rednecks and the more liberally inclined cynics. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

The story of three steel workers caught up in the Vietnam war. Concentrates as much on the shattering effect on their families as much as on the conflict itself. This emotionally charged movie kicked off America's self-examination of this shameful episode in it's history. Stunningly powerful. Won Best Picture at 1978 Academy Awards. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating