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11'9"01 (2007)

Certification15 Our Rating

A homage to the memory of events that took place on September 11, 2001 in New York. Eleven Directors from around the world put together a series of shorts each one 11 minutes, nine seconds and one frame in length and all based around the consequences of that fateful day. 11'09"01 is a thought provoking and often moving experience that covers many cultures and provides a refreshingly honest and diverse breadth of opinions. find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

Powerful, highly acclaimed epic directed by Bertolucci. The story, a grandiose account of the life and times of two separate families in 20th Century Italy, is beautifully complimented by the all-star cast. Depardieu is the salt-of-the earth peasant, whilst De Niro is the....... find out more...

Certification18 Our Rating

........son of the wealthy landowner. The film unfolds the two intertwining stories, following the fortunes of the contrasting families. The cast really allows Bertolucci's direction to come alive, and provides enthralling viewing. Exceptionally good drama. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Episode 17: Cutbacks. Liz is willing to do anything to avoid cutbacks at T.G.S., while Jack is forced to fire his personal assistant and hire Kenneth as his part-time assistant.
Episode 18: Jackie Jormp-Jomp. Jack tries to turn an accidental obituary for Jenna into a marketing opportunity for her Janis Joplin-based biopic. Meanwhile Liz makes friends with a group of single women while away from work for sexual harassment.
Episode 19: The Ones. Jack has second thoughts about marrying find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

An icy-cool study of violence both mediated and horribly real, the film follows a handful of seemingly unrelated characters all of whom — perhaps by chance, perhaps by divine intervention, have the grave misfortune to be in an Austrian bank when a 19-year-old student starts unloading his revolver. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Part 1 of Wajda's trilogy of wartime films, the hopeful one, is set in Wola, a working-class area of Warsaw in 1942, and deals with the graduation of a bunch of semi-delinquent street kids, through individual acts of defiance and courage, into a youth resistance group. The heroism is not simple, neither loyalties nor self-sacrifice are assured, but united they will be. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

The last of Wajda's famous trilogy, the one that signifies despair, has Cybulski, the 'Polish James Dean', as a young fighter no longer killing Germans but instructed to assassinate a recently appointed communist official. His deepening love affair with a hotel barmaid has him starting to question the value of his struggle. Superb. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Following the fall of the Taliban, Nogreh, a young woman, decides to resume her education so as to be to fulfil her ambitions to enter politics. Her fundamentalist father, however, feels that his world has collapsed. With refugees flooding to the city Nogreh and her father are forced to move from place to place for shelter as their living conditions become overcrowded. find out more...
BAMAKO (2006)

CertificationPG Our Rating

In the shared courtyard of a house in Mali's capital, two interlocking trials take place, one describes the disintegration of a couple's marriage, the other the inept and deceitful policies of the World Bank and the IMF; but as pleas for common sense and decency swirl through the building, the simple necessity of life continues to dominate the communal courtyard. Both a beautifully observed drama and a keenly knowing satire, Bamako is an eminently watchable piece of modern African cinema. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Sellers' last film is his masterpiece. A simple-minded gardener named Chance has spent all his life in the Washington DC house of an old man. When the man dies, Chance is put out on the street with no knowledge of the world except what he has learned from television. After a run in with a limousine, he ends up a guest of Eve and her husband Ben, an influential but sickly businessman. Now called Chauncey Gardner, Chance becomes friend and confidante to Ben, and an unlikely political insider. It's find out more...