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Certification15 Our Rating

Certification18 Our Rating

The last in Pasolini's trilogy, after 'The Decameron' and 'The Canterbury Tales', is a series of interlinked tales from the ancient Middle Eastern classic. 'Arabian Nights' is a truly lush and lusty version of the original folk stories revolving around slaves, kings, demons, love, betrayal, loss and appeasement. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Mark Twain's timeless adventure story is brought to life in this high quality, action packed Disney adaptation. The story of a naughty young boy, who teams up with a runaway slave for his unsentimental education on the Mississippi, is portrayed with excellent performances against a backdrop of spectacular scenery. Superior family viewing. find out more...

Certification15 Our Rating

Spielberg's aclaimed adaptation of Alice Walker's novel of a poor black girl, raped and rejected by her father, separated from her beloved sister and given into a life of domestic servitude and virtual imprisonment to her farmer husband. A bleak tale of hope and eventual liberation warmly told. find out more...

CertificationPG Our Rating

Made almost contemporaneously with the 1930s setting, this authentically portrays the poverty and repression of the migrant 'Okies', evicted from their dustbowl farms and treated like slaves in California. Adapted from Steinbeck's book, often called 'THE Great American Novel' and with outstanding performances coming from Henry Fonda (Tom Joad) and John Carradine (John Casey) a preacher with a fondess for vice, but a true heart... fantastic. find out more...