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Certification12 Our Rating

'Twilight' Part 2; teen pin-up/gothic vampire Ed decides, for her safety's sake, to ditch Bella and move on. Heartbroken she slowly builds a relationship with hunky childhood buddy Jacob. However love doesn't always run smoothly and Jacob has some pretty odd hormonal balances of his own.
For fans of the gloriously enjoyable 'Twilight'. find out more...

Certification12 Our Rating

Vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob must join forces to protect Bella from the newborns, a group of vampires with a killer streak, who are after her blood. She in turn must choose between them. Abstinence lives on, neither Edward nor Jacob can satisfy their hormonal urges, but will Bella's high school graduation change this?
'Eclipse' is a definite improvement on the weak 'New Moon', with some decent action scenes and a less plodding story line. find out more...