Based on the story of Toni Musulin, a security van driver responsible for transporting huge sums of money in an armoured vehicle. Severely unhappy with his working conditions and the treatment he has received from his employer, Musulin pulls off a heist while on the job, stealing 11.6 million euros from the Banque de France without using any force. Days later the police recover the majority of the loot but 2.5 million euros remain missing, along with Musulin.
find out more...This critically acclaimed movie is about the close relationship between a widowed father and his affectionate student daughter and shows a collection of scenes from their life. They live in a small Parisian flat, where Lionel escapes from the loneliness of his job and the memories of his losses and from which Josephine, who cannot properly develop her relationships with her neighbours, her surrogate 'mother' or her boyfriend, will soon fly.
find out more...5150 ELM'S WAY is located at the end of a quiet street in a small town. When Yannick fell off his bike, he knocked at the door of the Beaulieu residence so he could clean the blood off his hands. But Jack Beaulieu and his family had other plans for Ian. Beaulieu is a righteous psychopath and fanatic chess player who wants to rid the world of evil. And even though Ian has done nothing wrong, he is beaten, tortured and tormented before Beaulieu makes him an offer: win at chess and he is free to find out more...
Godard's hugely influential debut went on to inspire a new wave of French cinema and this is the film which epitomised the iconoclasm of the early Nouvelle Vague. Belmondo is the hip gangster, modelled on Bogart, whose escapades, including shooting a cop, leave him and his girlfriend on the run from both the cops and his enemies. The insolent casual style and cool moods make this the ultimate film noir.
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