• Film ID:
  • 11960
  • Availability:
  • DVD Available from Shop
  • Film cert:
  • Running time:
  • DVD=92 min.
  • Nationality(ies):
  • Thailand.Britain.
  • Primary Language(s):
  • English.
The lives of four very different people are about to become irrevocably intertwined in the chaotic underbelly of Bangkok; a young boy, an assassin a drug dealer and most incongruous of all, an English psychologist. Each in their different ways has reached some kind of impasse but the next few hours will provide the basis for a dramatic conclusion. The Tesseract is taken from an Alex Garland book and is directed by Oxide Pang; moodily lit and bouncing erratically from one event to the next it's certainly not short of atmospheric pace, just coherence.
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