10 Years follows a group of friends on the night of their high school reunion who, a decade after leaving school, still haven t quite grown up. Among the friends is Jake (Channing Tatum) who is deeply in love with his girlfriend and ready to propose until he runs into his high school flame (Rosario Dawson) for the first time in years. As the night goes on friendships are reignited, rivalries reemerge and for some, love is found in unexpected places.
Pleasantly surprising romantic indie
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Written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, screenwriters of 'The Hangover'. The night before the medical school interview that will determine his entire future, a promising college student is dragged out by his two oldest friends to celebrate his 21st birthday. But as one beer leads inevitably to another, the evening spirals into a grand misadventure o find out more...
Princeton admissions officer Portia Nathan has lived her life by the book, But during her annual recruiting trip, she meets up with free-spirited teacher John Pressman. As she bends the entrance rules for one of his very unconventional students, Portia puts at risk the future she thought she always wanted, and finds her way to a surprising and exhilarating life she never dreamed of having. Generic...but rather likeably sweet
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